Be The Leader Not The Sheep!

Everyone wants to train with good guys and wants to train in a big class! But a lot of the times we wait for other people to motivate us to do things.

We may have thoughts like:

  • I wont train today because there aren’t that many guys on the mat
  • I wont train today because the head instructor is not teaching
  • I wont train today because they might do the technique I already know
  • I wont train today because there aren’t many high-level guys training.

Here’s the thing, a lot of the times everybody else may be thinking the same thing, waiting for someone else to go so they can find the motivation to lift themselves and get that extra training in.

So what if you decided to be the leader and step on the mat every time that you have that option, don’t think about who is teaching, don’t think about who’s on the mat, don’t think about wether or not top guys are out there or if your friends are on the mat. Think about where you want to get with your training and take the lead. By making that decision you will most likely start motivating other people to jump into training and very soon. As they join in they motivate others and then that energy that you wanted in the mat in the first place will be all around, by leading the way and lifting each other everyone is motivated enough to get out there and push out that extra training session that they may not have done otherwise.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


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