Discipline Is Doing The Things You Need To Do Even If You Don’t Want To!

When we start do something we are usually very excited, we have so many goals and expectations. But as time passes we need more than that! Here are few things that can help us on the long-term progress:

  • Commitment – we tend to stick more often when we committed to something, so try putting your short term and long-term goal somewhere you can see them everyday to remind yourself where you are going
  • Try to picture yourself achieving these goals imagination is powerful
  • Be aware that some times even though you feel like you are not progressing, you are! Pushing through plateaus takes time but it’s worth it.
  • Don’t measure your progress by comparing yourself with others, that is the biggest mistake you can do. Compare you with yourself a month ago! look where you have been and where you are now and then you have a very good idea of your progress and can assess the most important things to focus on to get you to where you are going!
  • If you want to get good quickly at something specific, try to drill that specific skill over and over.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015


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