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An amazing club, excellent for children, the instructors are very professional and handle classes well. they really helped my daughter build confidence and the ability to feel like she can stand up for her self!! thank you so much for all of your hard work
Joined about 18 months ago.It can be intimidating joining a new gym or trying out martial arts for the first time. This club is very friendly and welcoming to all. Love my time here, have made good friends and learnt a lot so far. Will continue coming for the years ahead and eventually bring the kids too.Oss!
We are proud to be members of such a great club. Very lucky to be learning from some of the best coaches in the industry. And couldn't ask for a more family friendly environment. Thanks Fight Club we love you!
One of the best places to be training bjj for both kids, adults and in between. All the coaches have great experience in teaching what it is they know clearly, and allowing us to learn comfortably. Such a great community. Highly recommended
Daniel Lima is a pioneer in Jiu Jitsu and MMA IN Gold Coast , he is great Professor and fighter , amazing gym .